Dark humor...
I loved the beginning, it reminded me of the "There she is!" movies by SamBakZa. The whole way the spider was trying to get that fly's attention, but being hurt and humiliated instead. And the super mario bros. reference was an interesting touch too.. Wow, and then things take a HUGE turn in the end...spider completely cRACKS and gets sweet revenge on all his enemies...including the girl fly he originally loved. It really surprised me at that point...got ultra gory and violent, and it was sorta tragic to see the spider go mad. All he ever wanted was a little love...and it all ends in gore and death. The girl fly was just downright mean, though, so in a way, she sorta deserved it. Not to the extreme the spider did it, but she definately deserved something. The part in which the spider was evilly smiling and dragging the girl fly against the colorful backdrop, was in bad taste to the rest of the movie. That said,
the animation was decent, graphics were very stylish and fresh. and the music flowed with the action in the flash movie.
Oh, that's another thing! This was a school project?!! I wouldn't have thought this kinda project would be accepted because of all the gore and violence....you got guts to show this to a school. Well done.
In conclusion, this is like "There She is!" Rated R version. with blood and guts. lol.