Great leadup...and then....dissapointed.
Most movies today suffer from what your flash just failed at. A satisfying end...
Dude, let me just say. The beginning certainly draws you in, even though the robotic voices are quite uninteresting, and animation is minimal. You still had a great concept. Bill Murray, mental illness? Genius. And then the part where he proves he is Bill Murray, totally caught me off guard. That was well done, i must say. Let me just include this, "The Fountain" soundtrack by Clint Mansell was amaazzing. As obviously proven in this flash, making it EPIC.
Now, the ending. Simply saying "and that was the story of the man who thought he was Bill Murray" TOTALLY LAME. LAME, LAME LAME. You should've had a follow up of what his friends thought, their reactions to this epic reveal. That would've been a far more satisfying ending than just AND THAT WAS IT.. That slightly pisses me off, but it was a good flash anyway. The animation and sound wasn't anything special i'm basing my grade mainly on how it was conceptualized and the payoff. Good job nonetheless.